Sí. Hace una semana que estoy de vacaciones. Leo todo lo que quiero, me divierto con amigos y amigas, salgo, bebo, duermo hasta hartarme, deliro, escucho música. En fin, vagacioneo como es debido. Hay una sola cosa que martiria mi existir en esta época: Parents. Am I the only one? I just want some kind of freedom, I mean, next year I will be 20 years old, so I was wondering if there was a chance of... DO WHATEVER I WANT, DUDE! If they continue with their "talks" or with their prohibitions, I swear I will kill them. It's a fact.
It's a fact of human nature(?). Ok. Stop Rai. You have to.
Well, that's all folks, I tend to be a little bit random, I know, but let's pretend you don't care. Cause I don't.
I desperately need to go this place:

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