How did we get here? When I used to know you so well? But how did we get here? I think you know.
The truth is hiding in your eyes and its hanging on your tongue. Just boiling in my blood but you think that I can't see. What kind of man that you are? If you’re a man at all, well I will figure this one out on my own (I’m screaming I love you so). My thoughts you can’t decode.
How did we get here? When I used to know you so well? But how did we get here? I think you know.
Do you see what we’ve done? We’re gonna make such fools of ourselves. Do you see what we’ve done? We’re gonna make such fools of ourselves.
How did we get here? When I used to know you so well? But how did we get here? I used to know you so well.. I think I know, I think I know.
There is something I see in you, it might kill me. I want it to be true.
4 comentarios:
Te extraño chiqui.
How did we get here? When I used to know you so well? But how did we get here? I think you know....
Me gusta como canta esa parte :)
aaaaaaaaaaaa, no podés ser more genius♥
Vas a aprobar el examen, haceme caso, soy la verdad(: Y con "lo otro" no quiero aconsejarte nada, porque sé que no soy buena para estas cosas y siempre I screwed everything up. Por eso no soy ejemplo. Te quiero Sista, aunque me digas Cam :(
A mis hnos le gusta Paramore. A mi no me desagrada. La cantante está liiiiinda =P
Y lo de los aparatos... Jah! Vos sos valiente al menos, yo le tengo fobia a esas cosas, y creo que tengo que usar también -_-
Saludos, Iri!
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